
Elect Your Sticker

The Elect Your Sticker campaign was created by the Ohio Secretary of State to encourage teens to vote by giving them some practice voting for the “I voted” sticker.

It seems like their goal is to give teens an early exposure to the sad reality of politics.  Like choosing a politician these days, all the sticker choices below range from mediocre to horribly bad.

SOS - Elect Your Sticker.jpg


Cincinnati.com: ‘Avengers’ to film two weeks here

Cincinnati.com: ‘Avengers’ to film two weeks here

The Avengers are coming!
The Marvel Studios feature starring Robert Downey Jr., Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson will shoot two weeks here later this year, said Kristen Erwin, Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Film Commission executive director. She refused to reveal the location, saying it was within 30 miles of Cincinnati. They’re “still negotiating a location agreement.”


CNN.com: Last known World War I combatant dies at 110

CNN.com: Last known World War I combatant dies at 110

The last known survivor of the 70 million combatants from World War I, a British sailor who witnessed the surrender of the German fleet in 1918, has died at the age of 110.

“He always said that the old men make the decisions that send the young men into war,” Adrian said.

“He used to say, if it was the other way around, and the old pollies were off fighting, then there would never be any wars.”