NYTimes.com: Japanese Village Creates Art From Hues of Rice
A Japanese village creates art using rice paddies as their canvas. Amazing.
NYTimes.com: Japanese Village Creates Art From Hues of Rice
A Japanese village creates art using rice paddies as their canvas. Amazing.
It’s going to be hotter than heck tomorrow, but if you’re looking for something outdoors to do, try blueberry picking at Rouster’s Apple House in Milford. We went several weekends ago and had a fun time picking over 25 pounds of blueberries. We ate a lot of them fresh and then froze the rest for smoothies and pancakes for the rest of the year.
It’s a fun family thing with lots of kids around. These days with most of us living in the city, it’s nice to see where your food comes from.
At $2.50/lb you don’t really save money, but you do have the satisfaction of finding blueberries that are sweeter and larger than what you find at the store.
Check Rouster’s schedule for blueberry picking dates and times.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Seattle Times: Seattle City Council passes ban on cadaver exhibits like ‘Bodies’
The Seattle City Council has voted to effectively ban the cadaver exhibit “Bodies … The Exhibition” from returning to the city. The ordinance that now goes to Mayor Mike McGinn would bar commercial displays of human remains that don’t have proof of consent.
When Bodies the Exhibition was in Cincinnati I protested it primarily because the bodies were Chinese individuals that were displayed without any consent. It has been show that these bodies are often purchased on the black market.
NYTimes.com: Nokia Profit Falls on Tough Smartphone Competition
“We believe that the Nokia N8, the first of our Symbian 3 devices, will have a user experience superior to that of any smartphone Nokia has created,” Mr. Kallasvuo said. The new handset, he added, will be followed by others that will “give the platform broader appeal and reach, and kick-start Nokia’s fightback at the higher end of the market.”
Not superior to the iPhone or Android? This is a case of doing your best isn’t quite good enough.
I came to my office/warehouse today and found that my air conditioner compressor had been stolen. Just ripped off its pedestal. Thieves are stealing anything that has metal to strip and resell. Unfortunately, for the $100 dollars of metal that the thieves got, the replacement costs for me are going to be over $1000. After I get it replaced, I think I’ll be putting a metal cage over it to protect it.
Boston.com: Team should roll dice with Las Vegas star Lin
Taiwanese American Jeremy Lin is on the cusp of making the NBA.
We were in Lexington, KY on Sunday and decided to visit the Parkette Drive In that is going to be featured on Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.
Unfortunately this is all we got to see, as the Parkette is closed on Sunday. Bummer.
Looking at empty spaces you can almost imagine what it was like in the 50’s on a crowded Friday night. There must have been places like this in Cincinnati in the past, but they’re all gone.
I saw this sign at the Ikea West Chester and thought it was a little odd. When you think crayfish, Sweden’s not the first place that comes to mind. But with a little Googling, I found from Wikipedia that indeed, Crayfish parties are held in Sweden. Kräftskiva is a traditional summertime eating and drinking celebration held in the late summer.
Everything you need to know about Sweden, you can learn at Ikea!
Wired.com: Video: Stormtroopers Storm New York Subway
I love this. The only thing wrong about this is that you can see the neck of the tall stormtrooper.