
Photos: Indianapolis City Market

I took a day trip up to Indianapolis over the weekend and encountered the Indianapolis City Market.  It’s been open since 1821 and about to go through a major makeover.  Which is good, because it’s nearly empty right now.  It was still open when we got there, but there was not a single person inside that we could see.  Kind of eerie.  The market is very large and has the potential to be like the Milwaukee Public Market. or the Columbus North Market.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.


Video: OK Go – End Love

Video: OK Go – End Love

Is O.K. Go the only band that realizes that videos can be an art form?  Love the combination of stop motion and high speed video.


Photo: Electric highway sign

This sign is just behind a small fence, but facing the highway it looks like a sign that should be warning you about something.  The first time I saw it, I looked over because I wanted to see if there was a traffic issue.  I don’t mind the sentiment, but I think the sign is a real distraction and should not be allowed to face the highway.

It’s on southbound 75 in Lockland before you reach Ronald Reagan Highway.ElectricRoadSign.jpg