
Shepard Fairey CAC Canvas Print

ShepardFaireyCACCanvas.jpgI picked up the new Shepard Fairey CAC Canvas print over the weekend.  They’re available now at the CAC for members for $45.  The Canvas prints seems to be Shepard Fairey’s new style that captures the collage elements of his fine art pieces.  This one is printed with black, cream, and silver inks.  I like it better than the red ones that we released at the opening.

Shepard Fairey’s exhibit at the CAC closes August 22.


Installing ImageMagick on Media Temple (dv)

UPDATE: 2/10/11  I just found this entry again while Googling how to reinstall ImageMagick after moving from Media Temple (dv) 3.5 to (dv) 4.  The funny thing is that I had totally forgotten that I had written this entry.  I’ve updated the entry with some adjustments that I made to the procedure.

This post won’t mean much to most of you, but maybe it’ll be helpful to someone trying to install ImageMagick on (dv) 3.5 or (dv) 4.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to researching on the internet on how to install ImageMagick on MediaTemple (dv) for use with MovableType.  Much of what I used came from this article: How do I upgrade ImageMagick?

First, install developer tools on MediaTemple within the admin panel and allow root access.

I logged into the sever using SSH as the root.

I had intially used yum to install ImageMagick, but it installed a pretty old version that I needed to remove using:
yum remove ImageMagick

I downloaded a new version of ImageMagick, using:

Decompress the file and change to the directory.
tar -zxvf ImageMagick*.tar.gz
cd ImageMagick*

Once in the directory, I compiled and installed ImageMagick:
make install

Tested ImageMagick (shouldn’t report an error):
convert logo: logo.gif
This didn’t seem to do anything for me, but didn’t report an error.

For me, after doing this, MovableType was still not recognizing ImageMagick but I found out from the MovableType forums that I needed to compile PerlMagick.

Remember the ImageMagick source tarball has PerlMagick (the perl modules and libraries MT requires) bundled with it. So once ImageMagick is installed, navigate to the PerlMagick directory inside of the source tarball and run as root:

I entered the PerlMagick directory which was inside the ImageMagick directory and entered the following commands:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

The make test showed some errors.  It seems that PerlMagick was not finding the ImageMagick files.
I typed the following and then recompiled.
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/

I ran the make test and the make install and this time it worked!


Moving servers…

During the last several days I’ve been moving my blog from a shared hosting service at to a dedicated server at  Bluehost is dirt cheap, but you really get what you pay for.  You’re sharing your server with a lot of other people.  A runaway program on someone else’s site can take your website down.  Downtime and general sluggishness was becoming a major issue for my business website so I had to make a change.

A dedicated server is great, but it comes as a big empty shell.  You pretty much have to install the programs you use through the command line. After many hours of work I’ve successfully got things back up and running.  So I will be back to blogging soon! 

Uncategorized 70-Year-Old MMA Fighter John Williams Got in the Cage to Feel Alive Again 70-Year-Old MMA Fighter John Williams Got in the Cage to Feel Alive Again

“The point of life is living it. And I tell you, I got in that cage and I felt alive. I felt human again. You get that thing over your head, people think you’re 70 and you don’t know [expletive]. They don’t bother to get to know you. I like Eminem. I like rap music. …Mentally, I feel the same as I did when I was 30. I like the same kind of cars and the same kinds of women. Nothing’s changed for me, but there’s this stereotype. You don’t change, but they try and make you fit a mold and be something you don’t want to be, which is an old person. Not me. I’ve been a fighter all my life.”

Age is just a number.

Interesting interview @ Dr. John Williams: 70-Yr-Old MMA Fighter Setting Guinness World Records


iPhone Application Magnets

Saw these magnets while out shopping.  Looks like icons from the iPhone, right?  If you look closely at the icons and compare them to the ones on the iPhone, they’ve all been changed to avoid copyright issues.  Still looks pretty good!

Get your own App Magnets at Amazon.comiPhoneApplicationMagnets.jpg


Desktop Buddha

It’s kind of hard to believe but it’s back to school time at the stores.  Target is helping out with their “College Essentials 2010”.

CollegeEssentials1.jpgLet’s see what Target thinks is essential this year.
CollegeEssentials2.pngGarbage cans, memo note holders, pen cups, desktop Buddha.
CollegeEssentials3.jpgIt’s been a while since I was in college, but a Hulk colored Buddha is a college essential?  Maybe if you’re Buddhist.  But, if you’re Buddhist, I’m doubting that you’re buying this cartoonish looking Buddha from Target.  I must have missed the bright orange desktop Christ.