Cincinnati Photos: Mallory as ‘Undercover Boss’ Photos: Mallory as ‘Undercover Boss’

I watched the show last night and came away with a few things:

  1. Mark Mallory in disguise pretty much looks like Mark Mallory.  It’s his distinctive faces and glasses.  Occasionally he’d slip and speak to clearly.
  2. City Workers are definitely under-appreciated for the work they do.  Who knew that there was only ONE person that picks up all the dead animals in the city.
  3. The Undercover Boss ending where the boss helps his employees doesn’t quite feel right for public employees.  It just seemed a little off when the Mayor is giving gifts donated by corporations to the specific employees.  
  4. Mark Mallory is an excellent spokesperson for the city.  You can tell his love and passion for the city and its people.

Overall, it was entertaining and a good thing for the nation to see a mayor who cares about the city and its employees.

You can watch the episode at



I’m turning 41 this month so to AARP this must mean “fresh meat”!

AARPCard.jpgSeeing this, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.  I’m sure AARP is a fine organization, but this is the last card I’m thinking about carrying around right now.

Uncategorized Jets cut Damien Woody, Kris Jenkins Jets cut Damien Woody, Kris Jenkins

Also cut was Vernon Gholston the sixth overall pick in the 2008 NFL Draft from Ohio State.

In three years, Gholston played in 45 games, including five starts, producing only 32 total tackles. He made $21 million in guarantees from his rookie contract, which breaks down to $636,000 per tackle.

Gholston had a $9 million escalator clause in his contract for one sack or forced fumble or fumble recovery, but never got it.

The guy is a physical specimen, but couldn’t get just one sack to make 9 million more dollars.

Uncategorized 2012 London logo draws ire of Iran 2012 London logo draws ire of Iran

Iran objects to the logo for the 2012 London Olympics, contending it is racist because it resembles the word “Zion” and warning of a possible boycott of the Games.

ESPN - Photos - 2012 London logo draws ire of Iran.jpg

Don’t the Iranians ever think about anything else but Israel?  It’s 24-7, Zion this, Zion that.  The 2012 London Olympics logo sucks, but not because it says “Zion” in it.  And even if it did, do you think anyone would miss the Iranians at the Olympics?
Uncategorized Federal rules ensure Apple’s iTunes has right to Comcast’s NBC content Federal rules ensure Apple’s iTunes has right to Comcast’s NBC content

Products like iTunes are sometimes used by customers to “cut the cord” and cancel their cable subscription. There’s also the possibility that Comcast could “throttle” bandwidth for services like Netflix and iTunes, making downloads slower or streaming content stutter and become unwatchable.

Just the threat of throttling based on type of data is the reason why Net Neutrality is necessary.
Uncategorized China floods Beijing with security before planned protest China floods Beijing with security before planned protest

When protests were slated to begin, two large street-washing trucks began slowly driving through the main thoroughfare, blocking pedestrian traffic and spraying water. Plainclothes police sat in restaurants and storefront windows for hours, observing the surroundings, while uniformed police officers forced journalists and onlookers out of the vicinity.

Lessons learned from the democracy protests in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya: Don’t let the people assemble and at the first sign of a protest, quickly crackdown with overwhelming force.


District B13- some of the best action scenes I’ve seen

I saw District B13 on Netflix Instant streaming last night and it has some of the best action scenes that I’ve seen in some time.  District B13 is a french film written by Luc Besson (director/writer of The Fifth Element and Nikita).  Many of the action sequences were built around Parkour, the art of climbing and jumping through an environment.  One of the main actors in the movie, David Belle is one of the co-founders of the sport.  Here is one of the best scenes in the film:

District B13 is an action film that surpasses most American action films with its high level of energy and incredible stunts.


Internal Hard Drives and USB Hard Drive Docks for Backup

Just a few years ago, next to my desk you’d find a stack of CD-R’s or DVD-R’s that I would use for backup  Today, it’s a stack of Internal hard drives.  I initially purchased internal hard drives’s for use inside my Mac Pro, but since I’ve discovered USB drive docks, I’ve been using them to back up all the computers in my office.  They’re not ideal for long term archiving since every hard drive will eventually fail, but right now nothing matches the cost, storage size, and convenience of hard drives. 

Because hard drives are relatively cheap, I keep two backups of my most valuable data- things that can not be replaced, pictures, home videos, important documents etc.


Right now at Amazon, you can pick up a 2 Terrabyte drive for about $80.

I’d recommend either the:

Seagate Barracuda LP 2 TB 5900RPM SATA 3 GB/s 32 MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive $79.99
Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green SATA Intellipower 64 MB Cache Bulk/OEM Desktop Hard Drive $79.99

Use the a drives with a dock like this:

Thermaltake Sata HDD USB Docking Station $29.50