Cincinnati Photos: Mallory as ‘Undercover Boss’ Photos: Mallory as ‘Undercover Boss’

I watched the show last night and came away with a few things:

  1. Mark Mallory in disguise pretty much looks like Mark Mallory.  It’s his distinctive faces and glasses.  Occasionally he’d slip and speak to clearly.
  2. City Workers are definitely under-appreciated for the work they do.  Who knew that there was only ONE person that picks up all the dead animals in the city.
  3. The Undercover Boss ending where the boss helps his employees doesn’t quite feel right for public employees.  It just seemed a little off when the Mayor is giving gifts donated by corporations to the specific employees.  
  4. Mark Mallory is an excellent spokesperson for the city.  You can tell his love and passion for the city and its people.

Overall, it was entertaining and a good thing for the nation to see a mayor who cares about the city and its employees.

You can watch the episode at

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