
CNN.com: Daughter downloads 10-billionth app, mom hangs up on Apple

CNN.com: Daughter downloads 10-billionth app, mom hangs up on Apple

The lucky customer, who gets $10,000 worth of virtual cash for the download, responded to the news by hanging up the phone on Apple when the company called to congratulate her.

“I thought it was a prank call,” Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, UK, told Apple fan site Cult of Mac. “I said, ‘Thank you very much, I’m not interested’ and I hung up.”

Luckily for her, Apple did call back later on.  I don’t think I would have believed it if Apple had called me, especially if they called me at work.  These days with all the sales calls, scams, and junk calls, I’m barely listening to them and thinking about how I can get off the call as quickly as I can.


Battlestar Galactica Piano Music Book

BSGPianoBook.jpgI started taking piano lessons when I was in the 2nd grade and for the next 7 years it was classical pieces learned for my lessons and bad pop/rock arrangements for fun.  Since then, however, the piano has taken a backseat to the violin which I actively play in a community orchestra.

But, with the upcoming release of the Battlestar Galactica Piano Book, I know now that there was a purpose to all those childhood years at the piano.

Bear McCreary’s music has always been one of the highlights of the Battlestar Galactica television series.  The music is full of exotic instruments, full orchestrations, and large rhythmic sections.  Not, something that would be easily arranged for the piano, but since Bear is doing the arrangement himself, it should be interesting to see how it is.

From Bear’s blog:  

Very few soundtrack piano books were arranged by the original composer, but I wanted to ensure the ideal translation from orchestral score to solo piano, so I personally arranged each selection.  I’m too much of a perfectionist to let anybody else do this!

Here’s the song list:
Battlestar Muzaktica
Battlestar Operatica (soprano and piano)
Battlestar Sonatica
Dreilide Thrace Sonata No. 1
Kara Remembers (1 piano, 4 hands)
Prelude to War
A Promise to Return
Resurrection Hub
Roslin and Adama
The Shape of Things to Come
Something Dark Is Coming
Violence and Variations
Wander My Friends
Worthy of Survival
Roslin and Adama (Simplified Version)
Wander My Friends (Simplified Version)

Pre-order the Battlestar Galactica Piano Book at Amazon

Here’s a picture of Bear McCreary and I from 2009 at his concert at the House of Blues during Comic-Con.


BBC: Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop up for Oscar award

BBC: Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop up for Oscar award

Bristol street artist Banksy’s film, Exit Through The Gift Shop, has been nominated for an Academy Award.

The film tells the story of a French filmmaker who follows graffiti artists and eventually meets up with the enigmatic Banksy.

I highly recommend Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop.  It’s a fun look behind the street art scene.

It’s available on Hulu for free!


NYTimes.com: Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China

NYTimes.com: Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China

Although solar energy still accounts for only a tiny fraction of American power production, declining prices and concerns about global warming give solar power a prominent place in United States plans for a clean energy future — even if critics say the federal government is still not doing enough to foster its adoption

Beyond the issues of trade and jobs, solar power experts see broader implications. They say that after many years of relying on unstable governments in the Middle East for oil, the United States now looks likely to rely on China to tap energy from the sun.

Unless the government starts mandating a percentage of U.S. content in U.S. solar panel installations, all the new renewable energy manufacturing jobs will end up moving to China. 


Folding Umbrella Market in Thailand

Folding Umbrella Market in Thailand

Who would have thought that a market would be one of the most interesting things that I would see in Thailand?  The Rom Hub Market is no ordinary street market.  It’s built on an active railroad track with trains passing through it 5 or 6 times a day.  As a train approaches, vendors calmly move their goods, pull back the awning, and watch a train go by a few inches away.

I wasn’t quite sure of what to expect when we first arrived at the
market.  It was bustling with activity and even though there was a track
running through the middle of it, it was hard to believe that there
would be a train coming through.  One of the vendors pointed out a spot
for us where I could film the train from the middle of the tracks as it
came around the bend.  Once the train approached, I quickly moved over
to sit next to her.  I figured that she would know exactly where to sit
to avoid being hit by the train.  Still, the train passed by way too
close for comfort.  Seconds after the train passed, the awnings popped
back into place and the market proceeded like nothing ever happened.

The video is HD and shot with my Canon EOS Rebel T2i.


Photos: Ayutthaya

Here are some photos from Ayutthaya, an ancient capital of Thailand. Ayutthaya is about 50 miles north of Bangkok. The capital was moved from Ayutthaya after falling to the Burmese during a war in the 1750’s.

Wat Mahathat
We joined a day tour to see Ayutthaya and only had about an hour here. Spectacular ruins of temples of Cambodian, Thai, and Burmese styles are everywhere and we were not able to see everything. One thing you notice is that nearly every Buddha statue is destroyed with the heads and arms chopped off. Most were looted and sold to collectors of ancient artifacts.

Here is a Buddha head that was picked up by the roots/branches of a tree and lifted up from below the ground after it had been buried. The Thai people consider this spot a very spiritual place

Reclining Buddha
Here is a rare outdoor reclining Buddha- one of the largest in Thailand. Most reclining Buddha statues are enclosed inside a temple.

Here is a picture to show the scale.


Pringles in Thailand

I wonder who comes up with these flavors of Pringles?

Bangkok grilled chicken wing, blueberry & hazelnut, seaweed.

Grilled shrimp, Lemon & sesame

Soft-shell crab