NYTimes.com: Thieves Cart Off St. Louis Bricks
After the fire that devastated much of St. Louis in 1849, city leaders passed an ordinance requiring all new buildings to be made of noncombustible material. That law, along with the rich clays of eastern Missouri, led to a flourishing brick industry here. Historians say that at the industry’s height, around 1900, the city had more than 100 manufacturing plants, and St. Louis became known for the quality, craftsmanship and abundance of its brick.
Ms. Buck estimates that as many as eight tractor-trailer loads of stolen bricks leave the city each week for Florida, Louisiana or Texas, because “St. Louis brick is in such high demand.”
Pretty shocking story. Hope something like this doesn’t happen around here with all the brick buildings we have in Cincinnati. Material theft is a tremendous problem with criminals making minimal amounts of money while inflicting tremendous costs in damage.