
IBT.com: Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks ‘Chink in the Armor’: ESPN Apologizes

IBT.com: Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks ‘Chink in the Armor’: ESPN Apologizes

Asian-American sensation Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks has arguably received more than his share of accolades in the past two weeks, bursting on the scene as an NBA star and gaining attention throughout the world.

But after the New Orleans Hornets ended the New York’s seven-game winning streak, ESPN.com took a dig at Lin, using the headline “Chink in the Armor” on its mobile sites. The headline, accompanying a photo of Lin, was distributed to ESPN.com’s mobile users.

“Chink” is the fighting word for any one of Taiwanese or Chinese decent. Unfortunately, it’s also one that I experienced most growing up. It’s absolutely shocking to me that it made it into a headline on ESPN.


NYTimes.com: From Ivy Halls to the Garden, Surprise Star Jolts the N.B.A.

NYTimes.com: From Ivy Halls to the Garden, Surprise Star Jolts the N.B.A.

A story about Jeremy Lin, Taiwanese-American and the “surprise” star of the New York Knicks.

It’s exciting to see a fellow Taiwanese-American break through in the NBA. Without an NBA team here in Cincinnati, the NBA season really didn’t begin for me until the playoffs. Now, with Jeremy Lin playing, I’ll be rooting for the Knicks and checking them out on TV when they’re on.


CNN.com: Zakaria: Where did China’s TV shows go?

CNN.com: Zakaria: Where did China’s TV shows go?

88 Television shows have been canceled due to President Hu Jintao claiming that “hostile international forces” were plotting to “Westernize and divide China.”

Some of them, like Bo Xilai, the Party Secretary of Chongching, have been openly arguing that China has become too Westernized, too materialistic, too unequal, and too untethered from its past. Bo has spoken of a return to Confucian values, encouraged festivals of communist songs from the Cultural Revolution. He speaks reverently of China’s Moaist values. It is a conservative lament about the consequences of capitalism.

This should be interesting to see if the Chinese government can control entertainment. News is one thing, but if the people don’t like the entertainment, people just won’t watch it and seek the entertainment they want.


CNET.com: PayPal dispute ends in destruction of violin

CNET.com: PayPal dispute ends in destruction of violin

A Regretsy.com reader named Erica related yesterday how she sold an old French violin “that made it through WWII” to a buyer in Canada for $2,500. However, the buyer disputed the authenticity of the label and demanded his money back. When the buyer contacted PayPal with his concerns, the payment processor instructed him to destroy it and refunded the purchase price.

So the seller of the violin is out $2500 and a violin. Makes you think twice about selling accepting Paypal, especially for an item like this.


Air Swimmers

My sister bought one of these Air Swimmers from VAT19 to share with all the kids in our extended family during the holidays. It was a hit! Even my 80+ year old grandmother took a turn flying it around the room. The Air Swimmer is a helium filled remote controlled balloon with motors that moves through the air like a fish moves through water. It is pretty much what you see in the video below.

you have young kids I would recommend the Clownfish because the shark actually
caused one of the younger kids to cry. No one is afraid of Nemo!

You can fly it around small rooms, like we did, but the Air Swimmer is much more suited to larger rooms. If you have a “great room” with high ceilings you’ll be able to fly the Air Swimmer up and down.

The only inconvenience with the Air Swimmer is its need of helium. However, you can easily have it filled at a party store. It only cost $.99 to get our shark filled which should last a couple weeks.

It’s really cleverly done and I highly recommend it.