
Reuters.com: Taiwan’s Lu stuns Roddick at Wimbledon

Reuters.com: Taiwan’s Lu stuns Roddick at Wimbledon

A great win for Lu Yen-hsun and Taiwan.  I watched the fifth set and I was amazed at the poise that Lu showed.  If you’re going to upset a top 10 player like Lu did, you usually don’t do it in the fifth set where nerves and fatigue can overwhelm you.

Guardian.co.uk: Wimbledon 2010: Andy Roddick sees dreams crushed by Lu Yen-hsun

Lu then revealed his humble beginnings in Chinese Taipei. “My father sold the chicken, not the meat, but the live chicken – they sell the chicken, to the farm or something [where] they kill it and it becomes the meat. I can catch a chicken – I can show you – serious. I tried few times. But I don’t really like because smell really bad. But I know is very tough work. They always working between one in the morning to six in the morning, very early. That time the chicken cannot run away because they cannot see.”

I was at the gym last night where I ran into some of my parents’ Taiwanese friends.  They were all smiles and extremely moved by Lu’s victory.  It’s like one of their own kids had won at Wimbledon.  The Taiwanese community in Cincinnati has a personal connection with Lu.  Last year at the Cincinnati Masters, a Taiwanese family hosted Lu during the tournament and the community had a dinner in his honor after he lost.  I’m sure that they’ll be doing it again this year.


NYTimes.com: Tuna’s End

NYTimes.com: Tuna’s End

By some estimates, there may be only 9,000 of the most ecologically vital megabreeders left in the fish’s North American stock, enough for the entire population of New York to have a final bite (or two) of high-grade otoro sushi.

The Bluefin Tuna is a magnificent fish that’s about to be hunted to extinction.  We know it, but we just can’t stop it.


iPhone 4 unboxing

Got my iPhone 4 about an hour ago.

My initial impressions:

  • The iPhone is an absolutely beautiful phone.  Extremely solid with a finish that makes every other phone I’ve owned feel like a toy.
  • The screen is incredibly sharp.  Must be seen to really appreciate how clear everything looks.  The screen is closer to the top glass so images look like they’re on the surface of the glass.
  • The internal memory seems slightly smaller or iOS4 is bigger as I’m having trouble copying everything from my nearly full iPhone 3GS on to the iPhone 4.
  • The main camera is super sharp.  You can also take pictures with the front facing camera.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.


Milwaukee Public Market/Historic Third Ward

I was in Milwaukee over the weekend and had the opportunity to check out the Milwaukee Public Market and the Historic Third Ward.  

The Milwaukee Public Market is similar to Columbus’s North Market as an upscale foodie destination, with unique food shops and great places to eat.  The Milwaukee Public Market is a large newer building with spacious aisles and lots of places to sit.  Cincinnati’s Findlay Market in comparison is narrower, a bit grittier, and a lot older, but has much more of a working market feel. 
The eating establishments make the Milwaukee Public Market a destination for both the lunch and dinner crowd, staying open on weekdays until 8pm.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Touchdown Jesus, harbinger of the apocalypse?

In 2008, Touchdown Jesus was flooded
TDJesusFlood.JPGIn 2010, Touchdown
Jesus was struck by lightning, burnt to the ground

DaytonDailyNewsTDjesus.jpgIn 2012, ???

2012 is turning out to be a pretty bad year with all those end of the world predictions. I’m thinking best case scenario, we’re getting locusts, maybe a bad case of the cicadas when Touchdown Jesus is resurrected.


NYTimes.com: Man Hunting Bin Laden Is Arrested

NYTimes.com: Man Hunting Bin Laden Is Arrested

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — An American armed with a pistol and a 40-inch (102-centimeter) sword was detained in northern Pakistan and told investigators he was on a solo mission to kill Osama bin Laden, a police officer said Tuesday.

The man, identified as 52-year-old Californian construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner, said he wanted to cross over into the nearby Afghan province of Nuristan because he had ”heard bin Laden was living there”, according to officer Mumtaz Ahmad Khan.
