Monthly Archives:

May 2008


Man selling racist Obama Monkey T-shirt

From Obama T-shirts raise ire

The link above is for the CNN video of a bar owner who has made this Obama T-shirt.
The bar owner, Mike Norman says that it isn’t meant to offend- that he sees a resemblance between Obama and the monkey.  “Look at those ears and the hair line”, he says.
mikenorman-1.jpgSo, I wonder what would make it racist for Mike Norman?  Maybe if he added a couple of Klansman, a noose, and a burning cross.

If you think the Obama monkey shirt is funny, how about this shirt instead?
whitepeopleforhillarysleeveless.jpgBuy it now at Cafepress!


Hillary at half price

From Sign of the Times? Clinton At Half Price

The pundits can argue all they want, her campaign may protest that she’s still in the game, but at the “America!” souvenir shops at Dulles International and Reagan National airports, the signs are clear as day.

“Sale!” “Clearance!” “50% off!” they blare.

A pink t-shirt with an image of Clinton’s head and the words “Madame President 2008: Making History.”

A black t-shirt that reads “Anyone but Hillary” with a drawing of the famous “scream” painting.

The “Hillary for President” bobblehead.  And oh yes, even the Hillary nutcracker, “with stainless steel thighs.”  All are marked half off.

Now’s a good time to get that nutcracker with “stainless steel thights”!  The market is a pretty good indicator of what people believe.  When things start to closeout, you know the game’s over.


Human Rights Activist Harry Wu in Cincinnati to Speak

Chinese Activist Harry Wu in Cincinnati to Discuss
BODIES: The Exhibition and Human Rights in China
Tuesday May 13, 2008   5:00-7:00pm
University of Cincinnati, Tangeman University Center, Main Street Cinema

Leading China critic and Human Rights activist Harry Wu will address the Cincinnati community from 5:00pm -7:00pm on Tuesday May 13th at the University of Cincinnati.  He will address the controversy surrounding the BODIES: The Exhibition display at the Cincinnati Museum Center and other China human rights issues. 

Harry Wu spent 19 years incarcerated by the Chinese government in the Laogai–the “Bamboo Gulag”–as a political prisoner.  In 12 different labor camps Wu was forced to manufacture chemicals, mine coal, build roads, and plant crops. He survived beatings, torture, and starvation, and witnessed the death of many of his fellow prisoners. After his release in 1979, Wu moved to the United States determined to expose the truth about the Laogai – the most extensive forced labor system in the world. He has repeatedly risked his life returning to China to document slavery and human rights abuses.

Sponsors of the lecture include
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Catholic Social Action Office
Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
Japanese American Citizens League Cincinnati Chapter
Peace Village
University of Cincinnati Just Community


Battlestar Sonatica sheet music arrived!

UPDATE 2/16/11
Bear McCreary is releasing a Battlestar Galactica Music Piano Book, arranged by Bear himself!  I’ve blogged about it here. It includes the Battlestar Sonatica and 20 other BSG piano arrangements for only $11.23!  It’s a tremendous deal.

Original Post:

Several weeks ago, when reading through Bear McCreary’s blog, the composer of the music to Battlestar Galactica, I noticed that beautiful solo piano piece Battlestar Sonatica from the Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Soundtrack was available for sale as sheet music.  I ordered it online and received it today.

Here’s what it looks like.  It’s autographed by Bear McCreary- heck, it even might have been physically put together by Bear.  It’s got a homemade look, but the quality is nice with printing on glossy paper.  I immediately made a copy of it that I’ll be practicing off of later tonight.  It doesn’t look too, too difficult, but it is in b flat minor.  I listened to the song once with this music in front of me and it looks like it’s exactly the same as what’s written.

Buy your copy of Battlestar Sonatica

Here is the song being played in Battlestar Galactica


Buttons on Captain Kirk’s chair

Ever wonder what the buttons are on the arm rest of Captain Kirk’s command chair on the Star Trek Enterprise? 

I found the answer while watching the Star Trek episode “Court Martial“. In the episode, Captain Kirk was accused of jettisoning a crew member from a research pod without giving him time to escape during an ion storm.  In the court martial, Captain Kirk was shown pressing the button below.
CaptainKirkChair.pngOf all the buttons you could possibly put on the Captain’s chair, there’s a dedicated button to “Jettison Pod” with no safety on it.  You’re really asking for trouble putting “Jettison Pod” right underneath “Red Alert” since the Enterprise is almost always under “Red Alert”.  You could just be one “Red Alert” away from jettisoning the pod again.

The good thing about the console design is that the Captain’s chair is built with expansion in mind.  There are two unlabeled buttons on the console.  Ready for “send alien babes to Captain’s Quarters” or something like that.  All you need is a little sticker to stick next to the button.

The episode Court Martial does have a pretty cool Dr. McCoy line when he’s talking to one of Captain Kirk’s beautiful old flames:

“All of my friends look like doctors, all of his look like you.”


Girls and ACL injuries

From The Uneven Playing Field

If girls and young women ruptured their A.C.L.’s at just twice the rate of boys and young men, it would be notable. Three times the rate would be astounding. But some researchers believe that in sports that both sexes play, and with similar rules — soccer, basketball, volleyball — female athletes rupture their A.C.L.’s at rates as high as five times that of males.

This is an interesting, but frightening article if you have girls who play sports.  I tore my ACL in my right knee 16 years while playing playing pickup basketball in college.  It’s amazing how far surgery has come, but it’s still an injury that takes a lot of work to come back from.  


HillBilly for President

Again, with Hillary and her new strategy of touting her support by white people, I’ve decided to help out her by saving her dwindling campaign funds by making another campaign sign and a button!

Just in time for the primaries in West Virginia and Kentucky, here’s a sign that’s sure to shore up Hillary’s white base!  It ties together all that’s great with Hillary and Bill.
HillBilly.jpgBy this shirt now on Cafepress!

And after you’re done voting, you can proudly wear this button.