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April 2010

Uncategorized Thoughts on Flash Thoughts on Flash

A letter from Steve Jobs regarding Adobe’s Flash.

Our motivation is simple – we want to provide the most advanced and innovative platform to our developers, and we want them to stand directly on the shoulders of this platform and create the best apps the world has ever seen. We want to continually enhance the platform so developers can create even more amazing, powerful, fun and useful applications. Everyone wins – we sell more devices because we have the best apps, developers reach a wider and wider audience and customer base, and users are continually delighted by the best and broadest selection of apps on any platform.

Cincinnati Chad Ochocinco, Cheryl Burke polish tango for ‘Dancing With the Stars’ during visit Chad Ochocinco, Cheryl Burke polish tango for ‘Dancing With the Stars’ during visit

Check the link for a video of their Argentine Tango rehearsal.

OchoCheryl.jpegChad and Cheryl are practicing at Step-N-Out Dance Studio in Covington.  I’ve been there, it’s a nice place to dance.  I also heard that Chad and Cheryl showed up at Havana Martini on Wednesday night! 

Link to more photographs of Chad and Cheryl’s rehearsal.


Photos: Earth Day at Sawyer Point

Kind of stumbled across Earth Day celebrations over the weekend at Sawyer Point.  Here are some photos that I took with my iPhone.

EarthDay1.jpgMaybe I’ve just never noticed, but I didn’t know that flowers will bloom on the trunk of a tree.
Earthday2.jpgHere is a child’s first experience at kayaking.
Earthday3.jpgMascots lining up for a parade.  Not exactly sure what the deal is with the cockroach and the flags.
Earthday4.jpgA giant tank of all sorts of fish that can be found in the Ohio River.
Earthday5.jpgIt’s the Toyota recycling mascot.  Strangely enough, I ended up carrying a paper cup much of the time because I couldn’t find a place to recycle it.


Serpentine Wall from the Purple People Bridge


Ben Rotheseburgehergh Statement: Accuser ‘dragged’ to room

At this time it is unclear to what happened after this point due to the complainant’s recollection being foggy from her intoxication level. However, she did write a statement of what she thought happened.”

In part, the woman’s statement read: “I met Ben Rotheseburgehergh [sic] at Velvet [Elvis, a local bar]. He went to the Brick because he was [unreadable] to not be bombarded by fans. He then met us at the Brick and called me ‘a tease.’ Eventually we saw him at the Capital City & saw him there.”

Friends don’t let friends drink and write statements…

I tried putting “Rotheseburgehergh” on a Steelers jersey at, but it’s six letters too long and it’s doubtful that the NFLshop would allow one to be made.  So, I decided to mock one up for fun.

Interestingly, the correct spelling of Roethlisberger is also too many letters for the custom jersey website.
BenRotheseburgehergh.jpgUPDATE: is all over this with the actual written statements.  Here’s how she wrote “Rotheseburgehergh”
