If you’ve ever wanted to become a dissected human exhibit, don’t look to Premier Exhibitions, Inc, the company producing Bodies the Exhibition. Even though there’s a place for you to sign up at the exhibit, you’re just signing up to donate your body to a university or medical center.
This is directly from Dr. Roy Glover, chief medical director of Premier Exhibitions, Inc. with whom I spoke with today at the Cincinnati Museum Center.
They have no use for those who would willing donate their bodies for this purpose.
If you combine this statement with the idea that some schools have too many bodies, it makes you wonder why they have gone with the “unclaimed bodies” route.
From the BodyWorlds website (the original body show)
There are many people who would like to donate their bodies to medical science after their deaths. One means of doing so is to work with the anatomical institutes of universities. However, such establishments are unable to pass on specimens to other academic institutions in need of such bodies, as costs would be incurred for which they do not want to issue invoices if body donors have not agreed to a sale. In addition, “services” like these are technically not within the declared province of a university in most countries. This situation is particularly awkward, as anatomical institutes frequently have to turn down prospective body donors because they already have more than enough bodies for their own instruction.
If there are ample people who wish to donate bodies to this exhibit, why is Bodies the Exhibition using unclaimed bodies?
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