Chinese Activist Harry Wu in Cincinnati to Discuss
BODIES: The Exhibition and Human Rights in China
Tuesday May 13, 2008 5:00-7:00pm
University of Cincinnati, Tangeman University Center, Main Street Cinema
Leading China critic and Human Rights activist Harry Wu will address the Cincinnati community from 5:00pm -7:00pm on Tuesday May 13th at the University of Cincinnati. He will address the controversy surrounding the BODIES: The Exhibition display at the Cincinnati Museum Center and other China human rights issues.
Harry Wu spent 19 years incarcerated by the Chinese government in the Laogai–the “Bamboo Gulag”–as a political prisoner. In 12 different labor camps Wu was forced to manufacture chemicals, mine coal, build roads, and plant crops. He survived beatings, torture, and starvation, and witnessed the death of many of his fellow prisoners. After his release in 1979, Wu moved to the United States determined to expose the truth about the Laogai – the most extensive forced labor system in the world. He has repeatedly risked his life returning to China to document slavery and human rights abuses.
Sponsors of the lecture include
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Catholic Social Action Office
Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
Japanese American Citizens League Cincinnati Chapter
Peace Village
University of Cincinnati Just Community
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Human Rights Activist, Harry Wu in Cincinnati to Speak
Leading China critic and Human Rights activist Harry Wu will address the Cincinnati community from 5:00pm -7:00pm on Tuesday May 13th at the University of Cincinnati. He will address the BODIES: The Exhibition display and other China issues.