Auto Word Correction
There’s been some changes to the iPhone auto word correction. Typing “its” now gives you the option of “it’s” as the default option. Typing “ill” gets you “i’ll”. I used type “itsa” to get “it’s”.
App Store
The ability to run third party applications is the major new feature in iPhone 2.0. Applications are purchased and installed through Apple’s App store. It can be accessed directly on the iPhone or through iTunes.
A few little quirks in the App Store on the iPhone. You can browse the store through categories, featured, and top 25 in sales. On the categories screen it lists Games (15). I’m assuming the number in the parentheses are the number of games in the category, but there are by far more than 15 games in the category.I haven’t been able to find out how to change the sorting view, currently alphabetical by application name.
I find that in general, there’s not enough description about the applications and the lack of a demo makes it hard for me to purchase an application that I’m not familiar with. The good thing is that there are a lot of free applications to try out.
I did purchase two games, Super Monkey Ball by Sega and the puzzle game Enigmo by Panagea.
I don’t think it’s quite working yet. I seem to get some mail pushed to me, but my calendars and contacts aren’t being updated yet over the air. I’m actually having issues with the sync hanging on syncing contacts when I’m using a direct cable.
Remote for iTunes
This is an amazing free application that makes your iPhone a remote for iTunes or an Apple TV. It works really well.
Screen Capture
Press the home button and then click the power button to snap your picture.
Access the new scientific by rotating the screen to horizontal. Clever!
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