
NYTimes.com: Once a Great Flop, Now Sold for Billions

NYTimes.com: Once a Great Flop, Now Sold for Billions

In the story about Procter & Gamble selling the Pringles line, this interesting tidbit:

Mr. Baur never lost his affection for the Pringles’ can, which he invented. When he died in 2008, his children honored his request to bury his ashes in a Pringles can. In an interview with Time, Mr. Baur’s son, Larry, said he and his siblings stopped at a Walgreen’s to pick up a can of Pringles on the way to the funeral home.

“My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use,” Mr. Baur said, in the Time interview. “But I said, ‘Look we need to use the original.’ “

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