
NYTimes.com: For Judges on Facebook, Friendship Has Limits

From NYTimes.com: For Judges on Facebook, Friendship Has Limits

Judges and lawyers in Florida can no longer be Facebook friends.

In a recent opinion, the state’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee decided it was time to set limits on judicial behavior online. When judges “friend” lawyers who may appear before them, the committee said, it creates the appearance of a conflict of interest, since it “reasonably conveys to others the impression that these lawyer ‘friends’ are in a special position to influence the judge.”

I’ve been struggling with the definition of what is a friend on Facebook and now I have a mishmash of friends, acquaintances, and a few people I don’t really know.  On a “friendly” day I might let someone in my circle that I otherwise wouldn’t.  But, anyone who looks at my profile doesn’t really know the difference.  It’s just a number and a connection.

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