
NYTimes.com: Microsoft Plans to Open Retail Stores

NYTimes.com: Microsoft Plans to Open Retail Stores

Microsoft plans to open its own stores despite the economic downturn that has left many retailers struggling.

The company said Thursday that it had hired David Porter, a 25-year veteran of Wal-Mart Stores, as its corporate vice president for retail stores. Mr. Porter was head of worldwide product distribution at DreamWorks Animation SKG since 2007.

The “Gurus” seemed to be Microsoft’s answer to Apple’s in-store “Genius Bar.” With its newly announced retail store intentions, the software maker is taking yet another page from Apple’s playbook. Apple credits its stores, concentrated mostly in the United States, for helping raise its profile and draw new customers.

I feel sorry for the “Gurus” who work at the store and I hope that there’s at least 50 at each store because they seriously are going to need them!

I can understand how Microsoft sees the success of the Apple Store and craves them as the marketing tool they are.  But, the main difference is that there are far fewer locations to find Apple products.  Windows PC’s are sold in almost every office and discount store.  Why would one need to go to a Microsoft store?

Sony has their own store with lots of their own branded products to sell.  They’re arguably “cooler” than Microsoft but every time I walk past them to go to the Apple Store, there’s almost no one in there.

It’s interesting that Microsoft chose a Wal-Mart executive to head their retail.  Apple chose Ron Johnson from Target to start the Apple Stores.  Sort of the differences between Microsoft and Apple in a nutshell.

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