Monthly Archives:

May 2009



Thought this was pretty amusing.  Go to and turn yourself into a Star Trek character.  The technology for the face mapping software is getting to be quite impressive.  Because it autoplays and there’s sound, I put the images after the jump.

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Battlestar fans- dating Adwords ad


Saw this Adwords ad on one of my blog pages.

I have been repeatedly told by my co-workers that Battlestar Galactica is not an appropriate first date topic.  I wonder what the guy to girl ratio is on the “Geek 2 Geek” dating website.


Photo: Downtown Cincinnati from my roof


Had to climb on to my roof for some air-conditioner maintenance.  Everyone who’s been on my roofs says that I should build a small roof top deck.  It’s an intriguing idea, but one that’s probably a lot more complex to implement.