From red dawn: the chinese invaders are coming
They’re remaking Red Dawn, the cold war movie that starred Patrick Swayze.
For those who are unfamiliar with the original Red Dawn, or perhaps too young to remember, the movie’s about a group of midwestern teenagers who band together to save their town when Soviet forces invade the United States. Remember, this movie was produced in the middle of the Cold War, and probably scared the crap out of a lot of people back in 1984.
Only this time around, the foreign invaders in the remake are — of course — the Chinese (with Russian assistance). Not really surprising, considering all the rhetoric out there about China and its two billion people taking over, well, everything. I’m with Jen, who wonders if there’s any way to do Red Dawn with a Chinese enemy without it being totally racist?
How would you feel if a Chinese company remade this movie with American soldiers invading a Chinese city with Chinese high school students fighting back and killing American soldiers?
Between the United States and China, which country has a recent history of invading other countries?