This has all the markings of an April Fool’s joke, but it seems like it might actually be real.
“This is a hoax,” a tower spokeswoman said last night. “We have no idea where this came from. The whole thing is preposterous. There is no question of changing the way that the Eiffel Tower looks, even temporarily. We have plans for the 120th anniversary, of course, but nothing like this.”
Nevertheless, a spokesman for David Serero architects, who declined to give his name, insisted that the company had been, “invited to enter a limited competition”, and that, “we would not have drawn up such elaborate plans unless we thought that there was a genuine competition”.
From the France: No Eiffel Redesign Planned, Says Architect Who Made Proposal
David Serero, principal of Serero Architects, said in a telephone interview that his firm’s proposal was merely a spontaneous design it had submitted to the Eiffel Tower management group in view of the tower’s approaching 120th anniversary and, he said, was neither a response to a design competition nor solicited by the tower’s management.

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Uh…no thank you.