
Folding Umbrella Market in Thailand

Folding Umbrella Market in Thailand

Who would have thought that a market would be one of the most interesting things that I would see in Thailand?  The Rom Hub Market is no ordinary street market.  It’s built on an active railroad track with trains passing through it 5 or 6 times a day.  As a train approaches, vendors calmly move their goods, pull back the awning, and watch a train go by a few inches away.

I wasn’t quite sure of what to expect when we first arrived at the
market.  It was bustling with activity and even though there was a track
running through the middle of it, it was hard to believe that there
would be a train coming through.  One of the vendors pointed out a spot
for us where I could film the train from the middle of the tracks as it
came around the bend.  Once the train approached, I quickly moved over
to sit next to her.  I figured that she would know exactly where to sit
to avoid being hit by the train.  Still, the train passed by way too
close for comfort.  Seconds after the train passed, the awnings popped
back into place and the market proceeded like nothing ever happened.

The video is HD and shot with my Canon EOS Rebel T2i.

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  • Reply CityKin January 11, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Very cool.

  • Reply Siew Yik March 12, 2011 at 3:17 am

    Very interesting place, would love to visit. Any information about where this place is ?
    Thanks for sharing!

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